Selected Work


10 Months under Supervision by a Licensed Master Social Worker and Registered Nurse in a Rural Hospital

10-month intern under Supervision by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker

4 years under Supervision by Licensed Professional Counselor in Parenting after Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, Non-Intimate Partner

Violence, Strong Women and Growth program, DUI Education

2023 - Present: Doctoral Student, General Psychology with Emphasis in Cognition and Instruction, Qualitative Research, Grand Canyon University.

2023 - Post Master in Counseling, Trauma Certification

2022 - Master of Science, Clinical Mental Health Counseling

2020 – MRT- Trauma Certification, Correctional Counseling, Inc.

2019 - Love and Logic Institute Certified Training Facilitator

2018 – Moral Reconation Therapy for Substance Abuse Certification, Correctional Counseling

2010 – Licensed Financial Representative, Active in Florida, Alabama, Arizona, Texas, and Nevada

2023: Member American Art Therapy Association

2021: Active American Counseling Association Member

2016-2017: Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce affiliation

2011 – 2018: 1st grade Sunday School, Marcus Pointe Baptist Church, Pensacola, FL

2011 – 2018: 1st grade Director, Kidz Praize

2011-2013: Junior League of Pensacola Member

2000-2003: 1st Grade Teacher, Anchorage Christian Schools, Anchorage, AK

1996-2000: Theta Mu Rho member, Secretary and Treasurer (1997-1998)

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